What is metabolic testing and how can it benefit you?
In September 2020 I finished my MSc in Sport and Exercise Physiology. During my 2 years of doing this MSc, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to work with a range of athletes from different sports in the lab. I performed a range of test protocols based on the athletes sport and future goals.
This type of testing in the lab has really only been available to elite athletes. Throughout my MSc I always dreamt of setting up my own lab with metabolic testing capabilities. A service I could offer to the everyday person to improve health and performance.
Thankfully, now that dream has come true!
Performing a VO2 max test on a member of the British underwater hockey team at Leeds Beckett University.
How it works…
Metabolic analysis is quite literally the gold standard for exercise testing. It allows you to get an in depth analysis of your physiology and where your true strengths and limitations lie.
During any test you wear a mask (as modelled by our sexy model Rhodri above). We then attach the flow sensor to the mask, which measures how much oxygen and carbon dioxide you breathe in and out with each breath. Using complex calculations it generates a whole host of information, such as your VO2 max, tidal volumes, carbohydrate and fat oxidation to name a few.
This data is literally a physiologist’s dream. It helps me understand so much about your underlying physiology.
Below are some examples of the kind of data we collect with the device and why this data is useful.
This is the volume of air moved during each breath in litres.
This is important as an individual with a low tidal volume will most likely have a respiratory limitation, that will impact negatively on performance during high intensity exercise.
PET CO2 (Partial End Tidal CO2)
This is the pressure of expired CO2 with exhalation.
This is used to calculate ventilatory thresholds, assess for hyperventilation and the possibility of dead space ventilation during high intensity exercise. It can be used to determine respiratory and cardiovascular strengths and limitations.
Carbohydrate oxidation in Kcal/min
This is the amount of carbohydrate your body uses in kcal per min. It is calculated using stoichiometric equations from breath by breath analysis.
This is the gold standard method of calculating fuel use during rest and exercise. From this, you can determine if you burn carbohydrate at a slow, fast or normal rate compared to others. It can help with planning nutrition strategies for endurance events and for planning daily nutritional intake.
The information above just scratches the surface for the amount of info we get from metabolic testing.
What tests do we offer?
RMR - Resting Metabolic Rate
This is a quick and easy test to determine your resting metabolic rate. Your resting metabolic rate is the amount of calories you burn at rest. The test breaks down the amount and rate of carbohydrate and fat utilised at rest. From this information we can work out your daily energy expenditure for different training days and provide an AI nutrition plan specific to your goals and history. The AI nutrition plan is pretty epic. There will be more info on that at a later date! This test becomes more powerful if you complete an exercise test as well. This allows us to link the whole data set together to get the full picture on your physiology.
Metabolic Testing
The testing protocol used will be specific to you based on your sport, current fitness levels, goals, sporting background etc. From a metabolic test, we can get the following incredible information:
Accurate training zones calculated via breath by breath analysis, rather than from mathematical equations (the most accurate method of determining your zones).
In depth analysis on your fuel utilisation (carbohydrate and fat burning). From this information you can determine your energy expenditure and fuel use at varying exercise intensities to help inform your nutritional needs during exercise.
Analysis of your cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular strengths and limitations during exercise at varying intensities.
Using the Metabolic Test and RMR Test results, I will provide a full in-depth analysis and review. The image below is an example of the type of report you would receive after a metabolic test. Alongside the report, I will provide scientific and evidence-based recommendations for improving your health and performance. From this information, you won’t be training blind anymore. You will have all the info you need to reach your health and performance goals!
Example Metabolic Testing Report
As mentioned above, this is the gold standard of exercise testing. No FTP test, critical power calculation, or random internet equation for working out daily calorie expenditure comes close.
It is a service I have been dreaming of providing for years and I’m so proud and excited that I can finally offer this service to the public.
If you want to book in for a test, want to know more info or want to find out what testing you need, simply click on the button below to book your initial consultation with NEWMETA.